

Laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis is a procedure performed using the excimer laser. It can be used to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Freezing drops are used to anaesthetize the eye.The epithelium (top layer of the cornea) and a small amount of tissue underneath the epithelium is lifted up as a flap. The laser is then performed to reshape the cornea and the flap is repositioned. The procedure takes about 12 minutes to perform. A sensation of burning and tearing begins shortly after the procedure, and lasts approximately 4 hours. Clear protective eye shields are worn overnight. The vision is usually significantly improved during the first 12-24 hours. Drops are used for one week, and instructions are given with specific restrictions to follow for a period of 2 weeks. Results are excellent with more than 95% of patients achieving an uncorrected vision that is good enough to drive a car. No procedure is without risks, but LASIK offers the advantages of rapid rehabilitation, and a greatly diminished risk of haze for most compared to PRK.



Standard »

Most patients are treated with Standard laser. Those patients who have a mild to moderate prescription, an average size of pupil, as well as an average thickness of their cornea would be treated with the more common Standard treatment. These findings will be identified during a complete and thorough consultation, and the required method of treatment will be discussed and used.


Tissue Savings »

There are a selected number of patients that would need a Tissue Savings treatment. For those who do not qualify for Standard laser, the advancement of technology with Tissue Savings has given option for treatment for these patients, particularly, if a patient has a high prescription, larger pupils, or thinner corneas. With the most advanced eye tracker and iris recognition, Tissue Savings also offers patients with a higher amount of astigmatism optimum treatment.


Customized Zyoptix »

Zyoptix treatment offers a unique beam profile for patients with higher order aberrations which cause visual distortions. The wavefront aberrometer is used to map the unique impairments of an eye. A narrow laser beam is reflected off the retina to identify and meaure the aberrations. A Truncated Gaussian Beam is used to treat these irregularities and create a specific custom ablation pattern.




Photorefractive Keratctomy is a procedure performed by the excimer laser. It can be used to correct myopia and/or astigmatism. Drops are placed in the eye to be treated to freeze the eye. The epithelium or outer layer of the cornea is then removed and the laser is used to reshape the cornea. A contact lens is placed on the eye and is left in place until the epithelium heals. This usually takes 3 days. The vision starts to improve once the contact lens has been removed and continues to improve over the next 4 to 6 months. Drops are used for 3 to 6 months. It is strongly suggested that one eye be treated at a time. One of the main risks that can affect the results is the possibility of haze development during the healing. The risk of this is minimal but present, particularly in patients with high myopia. As an alternative to LASIK, selected patients with low risks are being treated with PRK.




Alternatives to Refractive Laser Surgery


Glasses may be used to correct myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia. They represent the simplest, easiest and most rapid method of treating most refractive errors. They cause changes in the size of the observed image (minification or magnification), and for a variety of reasons are difficult for active people to wear. Many patients desire a better level of uncorrected vision.

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses may be used to correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Minification and magnification are significantly reduced compared to glasses. Many outdoor and sporting activities are easier with contact lenses than glasses. They require a high level of hygiene and care. They should not be worn during sleep since they may impair corneal oxygenation and cause permanent corneal changes. Contact lenses increase the risk of an infective corneal ulcer which can lead to permanent visual loss.